About Us

We are 100% real here at Go Kodi - a real family that uses real, natural, organic ingredients to handcraft our dog treats. When you feed your dog a Go Kodi treat you can rest assured that absolutely no harmful pesticides or preservatives were used in the making.

We understand that dogs should eat real food just like we do, not the over-processed food & treats with ingredients you can't pronounce the big companies push for our animals.

We make it simple, straightforward, and fully transparent. That's why we've listed out all the ingredients we use and their benefits so you know why we've intentionally selected them.

We’re on a mission to redefine the landscape of the pet food industry by bringing awareness to proper animal nutrition one treat at a time.

Thank you for your support!

~ Kodi Team

Our Story

As new puppy parents, we had no idea what food or treats to buy. Typically our purchase decisions stemmed from whatever was the cheapest option. However, in this case, knowing a healthy life starts with a healthy diet we knew this purchase decision was too important just to choose the cheapest option on the shelf. We did some digging into the food options available and optimal dog nutrition to ensure we provided Dakota with a nutritious diet to set her up for a long and healthy life with us.
Out of the overwhelming amount of options, none met our standards! All brands, including the ones that claimed to be all natural, human grade, fresh, etc. had at least one ingredient that wasn't essential for nutrition. From our extensive research, we know brands that use ingredients like Chicken Meal and Carrageenan did not select those ingredients with our dogs' health as the primary priority. Rather, they were only selected to maximize profit margins for these big companies.
Lacking trust in the conveniently available options, we took matters into our own hands by mixing in fresh fruits & veggies into Dakota's diet and baking treats from natural organic ingredients we found at our local market. Kodi absolutely loved it! Due to our passion and unconditional love for animals we wanted to share our treats with the world. As a result, Go Kodi was born to contribute to the overall health and wellness of dogs everywhere - one treat at a time.
As we gain your trust with our all natural treats, our hope is to grow together to diversify our treat flavors and eventually bring a fully nutritious meal to the plate. Overall our goal is to bump the unhealthy processed brands out of the pet food aisle so there are ONLY healthy real food options available. We’ll accomplish this by spreading awareness of proper animal nutrition through our contribution to the market. Simultaneously eating into the profits of the big companies, affecting their bottom line is the best way to get them to notice they need to make a change!

Thank you for the love and support!

~ Kodi Team