Meet Kodi

Dakota was rescued as an 11-week-old puppy in March of 2021! The absolute best thing to come out of the COVID lockdowns. The rescue anticipated she would be a medium to large size dog, but her DNA results proved differently. We learned she’s a Chihuahua-German Shepherd mix! (Yes, we're not sure how that happened either!) Nevertheless, she's a 100% pure-bred good girl and the inspiration for the brand!

All About Dakota

Dakota's Favorite Food

Fruits: Banana, Apple, Strawberries, Pineapple, Pumpkin
Meats: Turkey, Salmon, Beef
Veggies: Carrots, Sweet Potato

When she isn't munching or lounging around the apartment she loves to go on walks, play fetch with pinecones, and visit dog parks and beaches. Although, you'll never catch her near the water!

Dakota's Favorite Things To Do

Parks: El Dorado
Beaches: Leo Carrillo, Huntington
Places: Grandma & Grandpa's House
Toys: Tennis Balls, Green Squeaky Pig, Chew Bones

While Dakota is the biggest lover, she also has a few dislikes. Seeing animals on the TV is her biggest pet peeve. She will bark and bark until you change the channel!

Dakota's Dislikes 

Bath time, Nail clips, and Animal Planet

Fun Facts

Dakota snores, very loud!
Dakota is 2.5% Corgi - the source for her long body and short legs
Dakota loves Pitbulls and Parolees, it's the only TV show with dogs she doesn't bark at.